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Every Pushya Nakshatra, We Arrange Free Swarnaprashan Camp

Since 15 Years We Involved in Free Sawarnparashan Camp, Free Medical Camp In Several Locations In India We Have Expert Ayurvrdic Doctor Team
Brenda Greene
San Francisco
“Swarnaprashan” is a traditional Ayurvedic practice involving the administration of gold (swarna) in a liquid or semi-liquid form to children, usually in the form of a medicated ghee. It is typically given on specific auspicious days, like Pushya Nakshatra, according to the Hindu calendar. Swarnaprashan is believed to have several potential benefits.

Enhanced Immunity

Swarnaprashan is believed to boost the overall immunity of children, helping them resist common infections and illnesses.

Antioxidant Properties

Gold is known for its antioxidant properties, and it is believed that Swarnaprashan can help combat oxidative stress in the body.

Protection from Diseases:

It is believed to provide protection against various diseases and promote general health and vitality.

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Behind the titles and roles, our team members are individuals with diverse interests and backgrounds. From avid travelers to aspiring chefs, each member brings their own story to our dynamic team, enriching our workplace culture and fostering a sense of community.

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Ayurvedic Doctor

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An Ancient process to develop child's brain and soul ethically; at the time of prepration we chant Aditya Stotram, Saraswati Stotram, Ganesh Stotram to help child to grow ethically a Supreme energy to be absorb specifically on PUSHYA NAKSHATRA.
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